Sew to Win or Block of the Month:
Members have an opportunity to make either a Sew to Win Block or a BOM either monthly or quarterly depending on the project. There is a committee that plans out this event. It may be a different block pattern handed out every other month or a BOM or some other sewing challenge. The committee puts this together for members to construct the block at home and bring their completed block to the following guild meeting. These are totally optional for members.
Soup and Sew Days:
On the second Saturday of each month, members can attend an open sew day. Members usually bring in their own lunch or something to share. Kits and instructions for Quilts of Valor orĀ other charity groupsĀ are available. Members bring in their own sewing machines and supplies. Members can also work on personal projects and invite non-guild friends.
Ice Cream Social:
The Ice Cream social is an annual get-together in summer or fall with food, fun and fellowship.
Monthly Programs:
The monthly programs at each guild meeting vary from having speakers come and give trunk shows or show new tips and techniques to making quilt kits for the charity groups or Quilts of Valor. Each meeting has something different to offer.